Jamie Kopp Quoted

Jamie Kopp was quoted in a June 2013 article on www.firstcoastnews.com with her views on marriage, divorce, and getting children involved when the legislature for “Lifetime Alimony in Florida” was being addressed.

The bill proposed a change in child visitation and rights, which concerned Jamie as a marriage / divorce counselor and child therapist. In her many years of practice, she has seen both sides of the issue. “More visitation is always good if it is a healthy parent, but if there are unhealthy issues that have not been addressed and resolved, that would be my concern as a therapist.”

“As for alimony, it can help or hinder a person’s progression in life and relationships,” she says, “If the woman is going to move on and into another relationship, it is unhealthy to hold on to the past.”

“But on the other side of things, I can see it being detrimental for the woman if she’s not able to support these children long term, and I would like to see them weight it case by case.”

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